Turning Pain Into Power
Intimate partner violence and domestic abuse is a broad issue that comes in many forms, from long running relationships to one time incidents, abuse that is both physical and emotional. More recently this topic has come to the forefront of discussion because of high profile stories in the media of government officials and hollywood executives, but the the issue is far closer to home, affecting friends, family and neighbors everyday. We would like to stop the cycle of domestic violence, and we think that starts by teaching and encouraging healthy relationships. We aim to convey the aspects of a healthy relationship to those in our community, especially to our youth, so that they can go forward with the understanding of what it looks like when a relationship is healthy. In turn they can also see the signs of a toxic relationship and how they can effectively intervene and stop the cycle of violence.
Printed Pieces:
Video Pieces:
- Turning Pain into Power Campaign Videos
- About ROCK BOTTOM, by Rebecca St. John
Impact Producers:
- Spencer Walter
- Kiana Menge
- Karina Macias