Series Producer
Tom Shepard
Series Editor and Narrator
Eric Risher
Additional Editing
Billy Vinson
RMPBS Producer
Kate Perdoni
YDA Staff and Faculty
Tom Shepard
Karen Walldorf
Kathy Stults
Mona Adelgren
Eva Brzeski
Aaron Burns
Eric Risher
Gino Canella
Charla Ogaz
Scott Purdy
Rebecca St. John
Bailey Francisco
Madison Legg
Hannah Andres
Sarah Patterson
Shaienne Knox
YDA Guest Faculty
Julie Keck
Jen Gilomen
Suzan Beraza
Amy Scott
Kathryn Eastburn
Sally Piette
Dawn Valadez
Jackie Stone
Clay Haskell
Community Partners
Rocky Mountain Women’s Film
Pikes Peak Community College
CS Fine Arts Center Bemis School of Art at Colorado College
Colorado College Department of Film and Media Studies
Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Advisory Council
Amber Coté
Alexis Miller
Amber Ptak
Birdie Miller
Chris Tessarowicz
Dylan Nelson
Heather Carroll
Hillary Hienton
Jeff Stachel
Kate Perdoni
Linda Broker
Mark and Angi DeLay
Michelle Asher
Suzanne Holland
Tara Thomas
Robin Purvis
Special Thanks
Amy Filipiak and Ryan Lowery
Ann Bernhard in honor of Janet C. Corbridge
Ben Sparks
Blake Stachel
Clare Twomey
Cory Carlton
David Siegel
Delia Busby
Don & Shelley Castle
Dr. Kathleen Ricker
Erin Hannan
Executive Coatings and Contracting
Georgia and Charlie Matteson
Jana Kaiser, Noa’s Art Photography
Jason Cho
Jason McCool
Jessie Pocock
Jon Tierce and Hodie Hazard
Jordan Bridwell
PJ and Karen Hollenbeck
Karen Flitton Stith
Kat Jorstad
Kathy Loo and Jim Raughton
Kathy and George Stults
Kathy Van Inwegen
Kimberley Sherwood
Lisa and Gurney Sloan
Lisa Tessarowicz
Margie Arnold in Memory of Marilyn Holliday
Mark and Susan Myers
Meg Kendell
Meg Moritz
Mia Ramirez
Mike and Donna Guthrie
Susan Pattee
Paul Zaloumis
Priscilla Barsotti
Ralph Giordano
Rata Clarke and Michael Bailey
Regina Walter
Robin Schofield
Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Board Members
Sally Piette
Sally Sharpe
Sally Shepard
Sara Sugerman
Scott and Susan Niemeier
Shantelle Nix
Stacy Moore
Steve and Mary Anne Walldorf
Summer Kircher
Suzanne Dillon and Dean Mann
Warren and Betsy Dean
this only happens because of you
We’ll let you know about upcoming events and screenings, updates on alumni filmmakers, and opportunities to watch OUR TIME across the country.
To support the local engagement of the series, and to fund additional engagement to over 40 national markets, we are seeking sponsorships. With $50,000 we will be able to engage a national market. Support beyond this amount will allow us to expand both campaigns and to begin production for OUR TIME Season 2.